This course is specifically designed to assist New Jersey law enforcement officers with their upcoming promotional course for the Civil Service Municipal Promotional Exam for CHIEF OR DEPUTY CHIEF.
Course Includes:
- 24/7 Access to ONLINE classroom for 18-months from date of registration
- Attend any in-person CAREER DEVELOPMENT / Promotional Course in-person lectures while your account is active
- One set of LEH
- One set of Study Guides
- Digital Study Aides
- Practice Exams
- Videos of our Lectures
- Video Lessons
- Access to Instructors & More
- This course includes a lecture on the oral board assessment
- Online practice samples and information will be made available to all candidates
- Each candidate will receive four (4) coaching sessions with a J. Harris Instructor
Course Contents
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I sign up but I am not eligible to take the exam?
We encourage you to educate yourself on your testing cycle and coincide this course with your estimated testing date. This course is valid for a period of 18-months from the date of your initial registration.
I am signing up early. Is there any additional fees I should expect?
You will receive one set of LEH books and one set of our study guides in hard copy when you sign up for the course. If your test date occurs after the new publication is announced, you have the option to purchase additional items if you wish. The course itself is valid for a period of 18-months from the date of your initial registration.
Can I attend solely ONLINE or do I have to come to class?
This is a personal choice for our students. We have some students who attend as many classes as possible throughout the state from the day they register until their exam. Others never come to lectures but only participate online. We will record our most recent classes and post them in the online classroom. Therefore, you will never miss a class and if you were in class, you can re-watch or just listen to the course over and over for retention of materials.
How will I schedule coaching sessions?
As your test draws near, you will be assigned a J. Harris Instructor as a coach. You will schedule your in person and/or zoom sessions with them directly. You will get four (4) sessions with your membership but can purchase more if you need.