Two (2) Instructor-led Coaching Sessions

Take part in two (2) instructor-led coaching sessions via Microsoft Teams or Zoom with one of our team members. These lessons strengthen your individual performance assisting you with maximizing your score on written and/or oral presentations/assessment centers. Each session is usually held in a small group setting and are approximately 45-minutes to an hour long.

**Remember to opt-in to marketing messages when you register for schedule updates, instructor emails, and course blog messages.

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the online classes?

Utilize the student portal on the homepage of our website or the J. Harris Training App in your app store.

What is the schedule for these sessions?

You will be assigned an instructor to assist you with your preparation. Together, you will determine dates/times that work for both of you. Sessions are done virtually through zoom, MS Teams, or other methods that work for you both. If you don't hear from us within a reasonable time after registration, contact us at [email protected].