Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do
Online Class
This textbook is an excellent resource for law enforcement officers planning on moving up in their chain of command. This educational program looks at the resource and extracts the key elements of the book that may be utilized on promotional examinations. Candidates will have access to the material for one year from the date of enrollment.
Sample Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
- Welcome Assignment & Quizlet Join Link (DO THIS FIRST)
- COURSE BLOG (Make Sure You OPT-in for Marketing to get class information!)
- Orientation Video (Video on Developing Study Strategy, Learning to Highlight and more) (29:59)
- Test Taking Strategy Lesson (Reduce Test-Taker Errors) (54:42)
- How To Use Our Study Materials, Online Class & More (40:47)
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