Baltimore County Police
This course is specifically designed to assist Baltimore County Officers testing for the rank of Sergeant. Immediately upon enrollment, candidates will have access to an online class for their written and assessment center training. Access is available to these courses until December 31, 2025.
Course Includes:
- Oral Board Online Class
- Baltimore Admin Manual
- Baltimore Field Manual
- Maryland Digest of Criminal Laws
- Effective Police Supervision
- How to Handle Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- Emotional Intelligence (NOT INCLUDED)
- Course materials are subject to change based on course announcement
- Oral Board Instructor-Led Coaching is available at checkout for a discounted price or may be purchased at a later time.
BCPD REDCATIONS: We utilize this platform for all ranks. There may be material in the classroom that is not directly related to your specific reading list. Studying all items will not be a detriment to your strategy but once the reading list is sent out, STUDY ITEMS ON YOUR SPECIFIC LIST ONLY for retention for your exam.